Monday, July 26, 2010

Lunch date...

We (Karen, Ella, Will, Jonathan) were eating a really quick lunch at the house today since I was able to get away from the office for a bit. I had to go outside for some reason and Ella starts a conversation with Karen that went something like this:
E: Where is he going?
K: (being a silly mommy) He's going to walk back to work, I guess.
E: No he's not Mommy.
K: Yes he is...he's walking to work.
(I re-enter from outside and pick up the rest of the conversation)
E: SEE MOMMY!!! I knew he wasn't going back to work!
K: How did you know?
E: Daddy never leaves the house without giving me a kiss...

Yep, I melted...nearly had a real live breakdown right there in the kitchen.

Sushi woulda been good...but it wouldn't have held a candle to PB&J with my peeps.


  1. I found your blog! I love it. I cannot wait to meet you and your wife. Your kids are just adorable!

  2. That's nice. Made my face smile.

    Ever thought about incorporating this same exercise with your pastor?

    1 Thess. 5:26

  3. Fran: "adorable" is one way to put it. However, today, at lunch, Ella asked if I would go live with "Nana and Poppy" so she can have a cat!! (they make me sneeze)

    Ben: I'll consider it.
