Wednesday, October 6, 2010


AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I am frustrated over a problem I shouldn't be frustrated over. How frustrating! I need a book to sink (i mean REALLY sink) my teeth into. No idea where to turn. Zero focus.

Here is a sample of what my "personalities" have been thinking about.

1. Read the Bible...SINNER!!!
2. You need a good "Self-Help" book to help your get life in order.
3. Get a novel, open it, start reading, zone out.
4. Pick a cool dude (or dudette) and read their biography.
5. The Classics (Dickens, Faulkner, etc.). Study the words, the language and learn how to communicate a story (you're a trial lawyer for crying out loud).

Can someone please offer up some thoughts or suggestions?? PUH-LEAZZZ!!!


  1. HA... I think i have some of those same personalities.. sadly though I am not a big reader.. I read the good of b i b l e... and I am only on my 2nd bood of the year. First book I read this year was Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller, and now im reading The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg. And thats it.. Oh.. and the Bible who is written by... ummm a bunch of dudes and some dudettes.

  2. Bobbitt, you can't go wrong with Tim Keller, Prodigal God or, Counterfeit Gods. Both outstanding and quick reads. hope you're doing well.

  3. All good suggestions above. I would add "under the overpass" and "Jesus for president". Done keller's books and they are good. Read "truman" by David McCullough. Great bio on a fascinating president.

  4. Got tons of feedback!! thanks so much. now I have a very long list to choose from.

    CLAY: Prodigal God is a great book! Great to hear from you, hope yall are doing well!!

  5. Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10
