Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy feet...

What a fabulous running week! Got in around 33 miles which certainly is not that bigga'deal. BUUUUTT, doing it with very little foot pain IS a big deal...BIG DEAL!!! [More so for my mother and wife than anyone else ;-)] So, anyway, thanks to some really encouraging folks and focusing on my running form, I'm very excited about training for this 50MILER. Now, i need to get focused on some other details like diet and crosstraining. Also, must get my weekly and long run mileage up quickly, but in a manner that keeps me healthy. Balance balance balance. Good news...this is lots of fun! see y'all soon...jkrunnin'

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Run on....

Many of you know that I got my feelings hurt (and yes I sulked about it for a while) last weekend in Memphis. I suffered the dreaded finish of "DNF" (Did Not Finish, for my non-running friends) at the St. Jude Marathon. I called it quits at 18 because a foot injury had me down to a shuffle and i was looking at another hour and forty-five minutes (or so) on it. So, when the marshall asked "Sir, are you okay?", i responded, "i probably should get a lift back to the stadium". CRUSHING!

I finally made it back to my own car and immediately starting looking for reassurance that I was not going to die a slow death sitting there on Union Ave. Thanks to Jonathan Stewart and Gary Johnson, I was able to convince myself that I would, in fact, survive. Thanks guys!

Well, there's now a much (MUCH!) larger concern occupying my brain. A 50 miler I signed up for back when I was feeling good physically and mentally. It's set for March 3. Let's do the math folks...5 days ago I bailed at 18 miles. In 86(ish) days, I'll call on my mind and body to go 50 miles...for the first time...on trails...for the first time. Thanks to friends and my sweet wife, I'm getting out of my head about it. Also, huge thanks to Joshua Holmes (ultra running freak...check him out at whom I plan to absolutely drive nuts while I'm on the journey.

Should be fun, I'll keep you posted.