Monday, August 2, 2010

Just a quick update...

Karen and I have embarked on an exciting, but challenging, crusade. God has finally convinced us (okay, confession, we have finally listened to God) that WE are the keepers of our time and WE, and only WE, are the ones who have to be disciplined in guarding our "balance". It's exciting in that we feel empowered to take control. Buuuuuuut, it's challenging because it is so difficult to determine what it is that we should get involved in.

This past Sunday, for the first time in more than six years, I went to church and didn't have any responsibilities at the "Warehouse". I HATED IT! I DID! But, we are committed to sitting still over the next several weeks and just...listening. As Karen might tell you, I'm not great at listening. I do feel strongly that God will put us into service somewhere, we just pray that we are patient to hear from Him (on His timeline). We covet your prayers on this...THANKS IN ADVANCE!!

1 comment:

  1. Sure... I'll pray for you guys about this... Miss you real bad.
